Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Knitting on a couch outside of class tonight
Me: Well, you should take a beginner's knitting class or something. It's a lot of fun.
Fellow Student: Yeah, I was telling my friends we should take a class, you know, so we could, like, sit around and knit like old ladies and stuff.
Me: .........
Stunned me into silence, she did. Though now that I think about it, isn't eighteen a little young to be let into college anyway? And stuff?
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Tale of Two Kitties
In case anyone out there has been wondering how the two kitties are getting along, here is my proof that they're doing all right--as long as Shiva hits the whiskey a couple times a day.
And also, photogenic. Probably because of her daily dose of Shiva saliva.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Think I'll finish a scarf in time for summer?
At first, it was fun. Because, you know, it's fun to start a new project. Especially when you have new yarn. In fact, sometimes you just sort of cast on without even realizing what you're doing. Or if you do know what you're doing, you have visions of your multiple projects flying off the needles, and oh won't it be fun having variety.
Instead, I'm looking at a bunch of projects in varying states of NOT DONE. And while each project is a pleasure to knit, I'm kind of ready for a FO. Or a FFO (freakin' finished object), if you know what I mean.
All right. That's all my whining today. Back to work with me.
Friday, February 16, 2007
I even like pink foods.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
For Shame
One evening when Rick and I still lived in Idaho, we received a phone call. Rick was using the bathroom at the time (sorry, Rick, the secret's out--now the world knows you're the same as the rest of us :) ), so I answered the phone.
"Hi, there." A very drawling, Southern, female voice said. "Is Rick home?"
I did not know anyone who sounded like this. And the voice sounded like it might be my sister-in-law, if for some reason she had decided to acquire a thick Southern accent. For some reason, in the split second that I thought about it, this made sense to me. This was my sister-in-law! I decided to play along with the Southrun drawl.
"Yes'm, he sho is, but he's takin' a big ol' shit right now."
Oh yes. I did. And was greeted by silence. Fear crept up on me right as the female voice recovered and politely said, "Well, this is his old friend from college. Could you tell him that I called?"
OMG. Surprised that I didn't die from shame right on the spot, I managed to find a piece of paper and jot down her name and phone number. I let Rick know about the whole humiliating affair, and I believe he apologized about my behavior for me when he called her back, but he still laughs about it to this day. I still turn beet red thinking about it. Didn't my momma raise me better?
I finally met Rick's old friend in person last Friday night, and she is friendly, funny, and kind. We didn't mention our first encounter years ago, probably because her momma raised her better, too. I can only hope that her first impression of me will wear off eventually, and someday she will not feel sorry for the match that her poor friend Rick made. :)
Monday, February 05, 2007
Magic Lupin
But despite stalling on my scarf (and mourning the end of Harry Potter), I had quite a productive knitting weekend. On Saturday, I took a sock class at Gourmet Yarn. I bought a big fat yarn (in comparison to sock yarn, at least) to make a thick warm sock (less stitches, you see) and learned how to Magic Loop!
I've never really been interested in knitting socks, despite all the wonderful photos of knit socks I see on knitblogs. I've just always found something more interesting. But lately, I've been craving a small project that I can keep in my purse or even in the center console of my car. Something small and portable for quick, on-the-go knitting. Something that isn't a washcloth.
Et voila! Le sock! Why didn't I think of it before?
Because I hate double-pointed needles, that's why. So when Margaret of Gourmet Yarn said she could teach me to magic loop during the sock class, I jumped at the class. And though I've only completed the ribbing so far, I already love magic looping. So much more than DPN's. I can't even tell you how much.
The next sock class isn't until March. I thought about going ahead and working it out on my own, but I've never been a fearless knitter. I think it will be nice to have someone there showing me how to turn the heel and make the toes and whatever else there is to sock knitting, instead of my usual method of learning new knitting skills: attempting the technique while juggling an instruction book on my lap and fighting off two cats with my elbows.
Luckily, I started yet another project Saturday morning, so I'll definitely have something to keep me busy until the next sock class....
(By the way, over the weekend I discovered another knitting superpower I would like to have: the ability to correctly count my cast-on stitches. At this point, this skill would almost have to arrive in the form of a superpower, because no amount of practice has yet helped. Three years of casting on and I can still count my stitches five times and come up with five different numbers. Sheesh)
Thursday, February 01, 2007
It's a plane! It's a bird! It's Super Knitter!
My comment the other day about willing my knitting started a line of thought on knitting superpowers. If I could have a knitting superpower, what would it be? I think I've decided on the ability to always get gauge the first time without ever having to swatch.
Or maybe the power to turn myself and large amounts of yarn invisible in a yarn shop. Tough choice.
What would your knitting superpower be?