Sunday, November 05, 2006


Self-Portrait Sunday: red

Self-Portrait Sundays have suddenly taken on whole new meaning to me...they take up four posts out of thirty for NaBloPoMo!

There's not a whole lot of my "self" in this picture, but since I worked all weekend, this is all I got. I like the picture, and you do get to see that I bite my nails.

Speaking of nail-biting, I remember that on one of the Lord of the Rings movies, on the commentary maybe (Ding Ding Ding!!! Clue #314 that you are reading the blog of a DORK!), someone says that Elijah Wood is very brave for allowing a close-up of his nail-bitten hands. Brave? That's brave? Silly me, I thought things like fighting in a war, standing up for what you believe in, and crossing past a killer cricket to get to the toilet were brave.

Maybe I should have titled this photo "Bravery".

I rather like a self-portrait being colour. If I were self-portraiting today, I'd definitely be sea green.
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