Wednesday, December 21, 2005


These are the pictures of your party???

I am so not a blogger. If I were a true digital diarist, I would have taken lots of pictures of the 21st annual Christmas Party, right? I mean, many of the guests were people I see once or twice a year. And there we were, all in the same house, drinking it up and having good times. Did I take any pictures? Of course not.

I did, however, take three pictures before the party started. Here they are:

So, in the years to come, when I look back on the time we hosted the Christmas Party, I can check out my photos and think: Man, that was one hell of a cheese ball. And what a gorgeous hummus and pita arrangement. Hmm, I wonder who came to the party?

Thank you to everybody that did come. It was our first big party in our house and we had a great time. And most importantly, I was able to get drunk for the first time in months. Maybe that's why I forgot to take pictures, you think?

P.S. Still no Christmas shopping done. Christmas crafting to occur later today. If I feel like it, that is....Mwhahahaahaaa!

Pffft. Pictures schmictures. You LIVED it! Besides, that was the BEST food spread in the history of these Christmas parties (or at least since I've been in attendance, which is the last 10-year's worth). The hummus RAWK'd!

I'll send you the handful of pictures I snapped toward the end of the evening. That's probably more of a warning than conversational, just so's ya know. Bwaahaha.

Kick ass party, you two!

I don't know that I pulled out my camera once.
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