Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Must get happy. I'm pissing myself off.

Geesh. I just wrote two long-winded rants (as my rants tend to be) about how much my life sucks right now and I’m not about to post either one of them because I HATE blogs that rant about how much the author’s life sucks. So I deleted them and I’m trying to think of something positive to say, but it’s JUST NOT COMING!

What’s wrong with this picture. Wasn’t I all thankful and shit just a few days ago? What happened?

Oh yeah, I remembered that I have a test this week that I haven’t studied for at all and it’s going to be killer since my A&P professor is under the impression that he was supposed to start teaching us chemistry last month. Suffice it to say, I have spent the last three days doing nothing but working, studying, and sleeping, and I will be doing more of the same for the next two. Which makes for a very grumpy, whiny Katie.

So, here is a list of things that I feel happy about at this moment:
1. There is still some cranberry upside down cake in the kitchen.
2. There is also some Cool Whip….
3. I know that I am getting an electric blanket from someone for Christmas.

4. I know that I am getting a SWAK gift certificate from someone for Christmas!
5. My family cannot keep secrets about presents and if they buy a present for someone early, they usually cannot keep from giving it to them early as well. It cracks me up.
6. I recently figured out that I can rent books on tape/CD from the library and listen to them while I knit. (Yeah, all right, I’m kind of slow, y’all. That’s why it’s taking me so long to finish school—you can quit reminding me). Anyway, I am keeping myself awake tonight by alternating studying with some listening and knitting.
7. The heater just clicked on.
9. March of the Penguins will arrive today. Netflix, I love you!
10. The cake and the Cool Whip are no longer in the kitchen. They are happily married on a plate in my lap!

There, I already feel much better. Don’t be surprised if there are many such lists on this blog by the time I graduate…two years from now!

Mmmmmm cool whip! Bon Appetit!
11. Though he may be a little preoccupied with himself from time to time, you have a husband who absolutely adores you. Especially when you provide your own sound affects while doing Kung Fu moves!
I procrastinate every single shopping season of the world. I do this because, well, I'm a procrastinator. It's what we do. Lately, though, I've realised that part my tendency to wait until the absolute last possible minute to shop (and we're talking the evening of Christmas Eve here) stems from being one of those people. You know, the kind who just can't hang on to a gift. I ALWAYS want to give it early or, at the very least, tell the person what it is. In fact, it's not at all uncommon for me to beg a recipient to let me tell them what they're getting for Christmas (or birthdays or anniversaries or any other event that involves gift giving).

Luckily, we haven't snagged your gift yet, so you'll be spared the experience of this phenomenon a while longer. But, just you wait! I can nag like nobody's business.

12. Cuddley zombies!

Shaun of the Dead-knittified:

Good luck on your test! Break a pencil!
So.. how did your test go?

13. Flying Spaghetti Monster Hat -- the Flying Spaghetti Monster in all his knitted glory! Well, I think he's actually crocheted.

nanda (with a little 'n')
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